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Polymer Clay Figures and Coffee Shops

Figure inspired by Hugo Hamlet . I created the head last year and after seeing Hugo and his wonderful videos on tiktok and instagram I was inspired to finish it. The little scarf is embroidery on linen. For now Hugo is holding a dried flower but I will be making something else when I am inspired.  The little hare is also polymer that is painted with acrylic paint, and a drop of resin on the eyes to give a glossy look.  Xtreme Bean One of the new patterns in my life in Arizona is becoming a major coffee shop bum. One of my fave places is in Tempe, Arizona. The barrista there is a true artist when it comes to creating patterns on my latte. It is where my husband and I catch up on news, and read our books. Being around people of all ages is energizing too. Each day we visit different coffee shops, each with it's own vibe, music, and clientele. I often leave little clay mice in my fave places.  Currently Reading: Mattie, Milo, and Me a memoir by Anne Abel.  

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