Cheddar Cottage Diaries: Bonding Over a Brew

Not the kind of brew that is fermented in a bottle or a barrel. 
NO! I am talking about tea.

On my last visit to Ohio the first night were tornado warnings blaring. There was really no place for me to hide in the house except in the interior hallway. My husband couldn't stop laughing because i went off to make myself a large mug of tea, my logic being if I am going to go I may as well have a cup of tea in my hand.
That might seem daft BUT in the UK tea is a solution a great many fears and sorrows. 
If you're scared, have a cup of tea. Someone has died, have a cup of tea. The nuclear bomb has gone off, make a cup of tea.

It's also a way to bond daily

Polly put the kettle on
Polly put the kettle on
Polly put the kettle on 
make a cup of tea

How many times did I hear my mum shout for me to put the kettle on and I'd put me cardie on (kitchen was ice cold back then) and pop the kettle and make a pot.
We'd sit and drink our tea and chat.

In Ohio my brew ritual was once a week at my fellow brit's house, only not tea but nescafe. The bonding was the same though and that was what I was thinking when I did the above drawing. I will be going to Ohio for a visit again and inevitably I will be sitting at her table getting a brew and catching up with all the news.
Brew at Karen's 2014 


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