Art as Therapy

Oil on wood
Glass Houses

There is something very healing  about taking a negative situation or feeling and using art to get it out of your system. The icing on the top is when your art ends up visually representing exactly how you feel  AND it looks nice too.  Some argue that the only way to let go and move forward is to forgive  but I've found that once I’ve painted or drawn it out I’ve  already moved forward and let go. The added bonus is I’ve got something beautiful to show for it which to me that’s a win win. 

"The American Art Therapy Association describes its main functions as improving cognitive and sensorimotor functions, fostering self-esteem and self-awareness, cultivating emotional resilience, promoting insight, enhancing social skills, reducing and resolving conflicts and distress, and promoting societal and ecological changes" 

Sketchbook Doodle

Sometimes it’s just the act of drawing in and of itself that is calming and meditative. 


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