Commissions and The process
On commissions
I once had someone say in shock when I said I don't do commissions " but don't you want to sell your work?" I said "but you are not wanting to buy my work you want to buy my services to create something for you." The thing is I am not selling a service (more power to those who can), I sell the results of what I do as an artist.
The Creative Process: What I DON'T do
1. hum! twiddle thumbs, I'm bored, I will go and paint or something, anything.
2. I should do something, Oh I know, a flower painting, that will sell.
3. I need to create anything, whatever to sell in the gallery
4. I will paint anything for a buck
The Creative Process: What really happens
1. OMG that flower is gorgeous, I must paint it, I wonder if I can.
2. I love that bird shape, wonder if I can do it in felt (I love hand sewing).
3. Oh that will be an interesting challenge (as in the "my documents please" piece).
4. OMG, that scares me, I must say how I feel, how do I say it.
5. OMG that paint colour is YUMMY! I have to play with paint.
6. OMG that yarn is YUMMY, I must knit it or use it.
7. OMG I have to photograph that.
8. OMG her hair is gorgeous, I must paint it, I have to paint it, can I do hair.
9. hum I wonder if I can do something fun with records or crushed cans

Many people seem to be under the illusion that the end product is everything, but for me it is the process that is everything Yes, there is a pleasure at being able to convey something in a particular piece, but that isn't the driving force. The driving force is the passionate need to express something that has moved me.
I don't mind being asked if I do commissions.
What I mind is the umbrage/disdain as if I am supposed to want to do it and it is somehow a personal slap in their face when I say I don't do commissions.
If you love/like/enjoy my work it is because I paint from the heart
don't then turn around and ask me to paint for a buck
and then
get in a fricking snit
because I say
I don't do commissions
1. hum! twiddle thumbs, I'm bored, I will go and paint or something, anything.
2. I should do something, Oh I know, a flower painting, that will sell.
3. I need to create anything, whatever to sell in the gallery
4. I will paint anything for a buck
The Creative Process: What really happens
1. OMG that flower is gorgeous, I must paint it, I wonder if I can.
2. I love that bird shape, wonder if I can do it in felt (I love hand sewing).
3. Oh that will be an interesting challenge (as in the "my documents please" piece).
4. OMG, that scares me, I must say how I feel, how do I say it.
5. OMG that paint colour is YUMMY! I have to play with paint.
6. OMG that yarn is YUMMY, I must knit it or use it.
7. OMG I have to photograph that.
8. OMG her hair is gorgeous, I must paint it, I have to paint it, can I do hair.
9. hum I wonder if I can do something fun with records or crushed cans

Many people seem to be under the illusion that the end product is everything, but for me it is the process that is everything Yes, there is a pleasure at being able to convey something in a particular piece, but that isn't the driving force. The driving force is the passionate need to express something that has moved me.
I don't mind being asked if I do commissions.
What I mind is the umbrage/disdain as if I am supposed to want to do it and it is somehow a personal slap in their face when I say I don't do commissions.
If you love/like/enjoy my work it is because I paint from the heart
don't then turn around and ask me to paint for a buck
and then
get in a fricking snit
because I say
I don't do commissions
By the way, would you care to take a look at my painting Independentista - I would welcome your opinion - good or bad!
I think it's important that your subject moves you, whether it's a commission or not. (and I think commissioned work can still move the artist if it's a subject they love)
This is an interesting subject, and has really got me thinking. I know someone who seems to paint just for money, and she has no respect for her own pieces. Maybe that's why? Whereas I don't really care if no one wants my paintings, because I quite like them in my own home (even though my paintings are very simple), and I handle them very carefully.
As for just doing art for money, it isn't my thing, but I think even if the person you know doesn't respect her own pieces, she is at least getting some joy in creating a profit?
I am in the same place, vis-a-vis commission refusing. I never saw a better explanation for why.
I'd love to see her get really passionate about a piece and put her heart and soul into it.
I may end up with sets of three, but they are - as you say - the result of a OMG... I wonder if...
Peace & Love.
A true artist works from the heart not the pocketbook. I am a firm believer in: Do what you love and the money will follow.
Thank you so much for sharing these succinct thoughts on commissions and creativity.
No David LOL! Not at all! although I wouldn't mind picking up a bit of his marketing skills so I could sell all the paintings stuffed under the beds and in the closets LOL!
Hiay Elizabeth, thanks for dropping by. I once had a woman ask if I would do a family portrait, but can I not do anything weird to them in the painting. I wonder why she thought that, hah! hum! errm! la di da di do!! maybe because most of my paintings are weird and I am NOT a portrait painter LOL!
I like sets Gesa, they appeal to me when I see others have them and I like doing them sometimes.
Thanks casey, wasn't sure it was a good explanation, but it is the best I could come up with.
thanks connie, self taught artist.
By the way (again)I agree with all you say about commissions and think it sets out my view exactly. The only thing I would add is that I CAN'T do commissions. The odd time I have done it they turn out crap and I don't regard them as a piece of my work.
Incidentally, please feel free to make any constructive comments you wish about any of my work. I would much rather that than a whole load of sycophancy. Since I don't stick to one style especially I feel sure some of my work is a bit unhinged! The worst I might say in reply is "what a fucking liberty!".
I need supplies because I must paint and create, it is what I am on a basic level.
I am lucky that the commissions that I accpet (and the large scale murals I have painted, like the one at the National Zoo in DC) have been projects that I have been allowed to groom and design... so they have been things that I want to do.
Earlier in my career I felt the need to do everything that I was asked to do.... I am now very discerning and say no a lot more frequently than I say yes.
My favorite thing to do is a painting with no planned destination that I am painting purely because (like you said) I loved the flower or wondered if I could accomplish what I saw in my minds' eye.
Really good post!!!
How cool you did a mural in the dc zoo. I have to go and see a pic of it, do you have it on your blog?
I'm about ready to cancel a wholesale order for pottery because it feels like homework and has sapped all the fun out of playing with clay for me. I will also be canceling my association with the wholesale site and have taken my work down. It sounded like a good idea at the time.
My art is my livelihood, and, of course I sell it for money -- but I never create it for money. The need to create was burning away inside long before money came into the equation.
Being a digital artist, I'm not above shifting a piece to "more blue" if the buyer wants that -- but only if I know "more blue" will be absolutely fabulous! I'm very comfortable saying, "No, sorry -- that just doesn't work for me." The request has to fall into line with my vision, not vice versa.
Consequently, I've only done one real commission, for a great lady who said, "Whatever you want, sweetie. After all, you're the artist!"
Oh, yeah!
wj. I can see the joy in what you do :)
thanks for dropping by top bird.
...I, on the other hand, am eminently for sale, and would be thrilled to get a commission, lol. But I totally get what you're saying.
It adds a little perspective - it also makes me realize that there are some commissions I would like and others I don't. I universally said no until someone approached me with something I love to do anyway. Then I said I would look at it. It actually felt OK! Occasionally there are all the right reasons!
I am positing your list to the wall in case I start to forget again... :)
I don't think so thorngren, you enjoy them and that is the crux of it. You have to enjoy what you do as an artist. I don't think it is about selling or not, but what motivates us as artists and if we enjoy it. Many love the challenge and the joy that comes from commissions, many do not. I don't really see a right or a wrong.
I would hate to think you have picked up the wrong message rather than just seeing we all are moved differently and we should respect that.