Heart Paintings and New Links
Every now and again I need a colour fix. So while my oil paintings are drying I like to do my acrylic heart paintings. I use mdf board that has been primed, and then I just let loose with the colours, a little glitter, and sometimes a little collage. Once dry I will cover with a clear resin coat.
Talking about colour, I got some lovely postcards from the ultimate colourist Casey Klahn (one in photograph below) Thanks for sending the cards, I want you to know I am enjoying them in my studio. I also saw this fabulous link on his blog for NewArtTv.
My new Link is WebUrbanist, which has oodles of info on urban design, culture, travel, architecture and alternative art.
My new Link is WebUrbanist, which has oodles of info on urban design, culture, travel, architecture and alternative art.

Book Watch
Stuffed shark,mega-bucks and trophy art is the Times headline for a review of a book that sounds interesting. It's called the The $12 Million Stuffed Shark.

I think I'm going to have to fulfill a painting fix soon. I'm coming back later to delve into art tv.
Thanks for the link to NewArtTV.
and make some products with those hearts. Super cool!
You are very talented!
Love the hearts -- they are very refreshing and a real departure from your darker pieces (which are so inspiring, but different). I would love to see you document your process, if it doesn't take away from the spontanaeity that is.
God bless.
Love the hearts.
That's my incredibly insightful comment for today.
thanks lone beader, that is cool considering you don't normally like them.
cynthia I hope you show your colour fix :)
hmbt, I am glad you like the links, and hearts. I love Jim Dine's hearts (have you seen them?)
I LOVE seeing your work with that colour emm, one of my absolute fave colours.
philip, next month you will be able to say all heart. The jafagirls are going to do a mass found art day with guess what, Hearts LOL!
Thorngren, I am going to seriously consider the cafe press thing (even though I said I screw marketing LOL!)
what YOU a web whore andrea LOL! I was pondering how I would be such a rugby slut after seeing the All Blacks do the Haka. Thank goodness I am old and married and can't go running off to New Zealand, hee! hee!
I think it's the weather colette and I needed to play in between my more serious projects.
hey there american genius (love the name) glad you and lynette are liking my hearts.
I have to say loretta I found the shopdropping very intiguing. A jafa chapter, now that would totally ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks for dropping by terri, john, it is fun what you find on the internet, and in a way this is another version of my "found art' huh!
Well the tv link is thanks to you casey, very cool link.
thanks lynda, my blog page is like my life, rather ecclectic, glad you visited :)
When I have a chance I am going to get the book Jan, glad you and Margot liked the hearts. I have a gazillion more lol! I think I am going to be sick of them by the time I have finished all 12.