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Statins From Hell

The Blessing    I have friends who have terrible cholesterol issues and their lives have been saved by statins.  Okay now that I've got the blessing part out of the way, here is my story of the  STATINS FROM HELL Image ai directed by jafabrit I have no history of  heart issues or cholesterol issues, but twice my cholesterol was a little high last two doc visits so the doc thought I should try statins. At first I was fine and didn't have the most common side effect of muscle pain. However I seemed to have developed the LESS common and more serious side effects.  WOOP de FLIPPIN' DO. I started to struggle with labored breathing ( statin induced diaphragm muscle weakness ) , heavy chest and severe fatigue.  I thought I was dying to the point I wrote my final letters to loved ones. OF COURSE noone made a connection to my new med. It was a passing comment by a pharmacist and a Google search by my husband that led to us making a connection.  Since I was planning on taking a fligh

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