The Iconic Saguaro and the Full Moon

We live in the foothills of Ahwatukee
and behind our house is a hill we call Pigu Hill that has several sagauros. The most magical times is when there is a full moon and it  slowly sets behind the saguaro and then disappears behind the hill. The moon in December is called the Cold Moon or the Oak Moon or as some Native Americans call it the Long Night Moon.
ACtually getting up early enough to get this shot was a major feat for me LOL! I used my NikonP900 Camera.
Some of the myths associated with the Long Night Moon is that this is the night when the veil between the physical and the spiritual is thin, allowing the spirits to more easily interact with the living. Another is that the light of the moon has special powers such as the ability to reveal hidden truths of influence ones dreams. 
In medieval times it was referred to as the Oak Moon. The ancient druid priests of the British Isles held the oak tree very sacred and would perform rituals in December full moon using acorns and candles to renew their commitment to the the gods.

All I know is that it is a beautiful sight to behold and I can see why there are so many myths associated with it.


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