D is for Discombobulated

My favourite American word is discombobulated which I seem to mutter frequently in the studio. It still stinks of dammar varnish which means I still have to demephitise the place for several days with my trusty hepa filter.
Art Studio Safety Guide

Meanwhile in the Studio
My dexterous fingers are still at it, albiet a bit ragged since I never never never use a thimble. I've used a leather thimble when quilting, but never with embroidery.
Wip: "checkpoint"
Embroidery translation from sketchbook and the inspiration for the painting called "dichotomy at checkpoint"

Studio Whinge

I am still in a flummox about my doll, not liking it.

Oh well, ta ra everyone, till next time.


Janets Planet said…
I dont remember what airport it was, but after going through the security part, there was a big sign at the end saying "Discombobulation Area". Chuckled.
jafabrit said…
Jan, that is so funny :) but in this day and age certainly fits.

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