D is for Discombobulated
My favourite American word is discombobulated which I seem to mutter frequently in the studio. It still stinks of dammar varnish which means I still have to demephitise the place for several days with my trusty hepa filter.
Art Studio Safety Guide
Meanwhile in the Studio
My dexterous fingers are still at it, albiet a bit ragged since I never never never use a thimble. I've used a leather thimble when quilting, but never with embroidery.
Wip: "checkpoint"
Embroidery translation from sketchbook and the inspiration for the painting called "dichotomy at checkpoint"
Studio Whinge
I am still in a flummox about my doll, not liking it.
Oh well, ta ra everyone, till next time.
Art Studio Safety Guide
Meanwhile in the Studio
My dexterous fingers are still at it, albiet a bit ragged since I never never never use a thimble. I've used a leather thimble when quilting, but never with embroidery.
Embroidery translation from sketchbook and the inspiration for the painting called "dichotomy at checkpoint"
Studio Whinge
I am still in a flummox about my doll, not liking it.
Oh well, ta ra everyone, till next time.