What happens to old Knit Graffiti

That presumes the knitting stays up long enough to get old :) My camo barbies in graffiti alley Ann Arbor seem popular and are taken pretty quickly. However in Yellow Springs Ohio the knit graffit stays up until they are on their last threads. Then we take them down and recycle if we can. Some pieces end up on other poles, some used in projects like the traveling storybox, or the watering can for the Tecumseh Land Trust auction.

FADING ISSUE: We've tried a product (uv spray) to help thwart quick fading and it seems to help extend the life of the knit graff. Other than that we reverse the knitting and reuse it if we can.

It doesn't get smelly as some might imagine, or get infested with bugs.
Here is a link to a breakdown of objections to knit graffiti.

Yarn Bombing Book: I finally got a copy and wow! Okay, yes, I am chuffed as punch they used so many of my photographs for the jafagirls work. But that aside if one isn't into crochet/knitting it would make a great coffee table book. Visually the presentation is fabulous and the range of work really showcases the breadth of creativity. It gives a good idea of what yarn bombing is about, the different types around the world, patterns, interviews, and basically is a cultural reference to a movement that seems to have captured the worlds imagination and taken knitting/crochet to a new level of expression.

Meanwile back in Jafabrit's Studio

I am working on an embroidered eye


ckw said…
I love the eye--eyes--- all about eyes-it is lovely.
Consuelo said…
I have really been enjoying your blog! You have inspired me to get going on many of my own projects that have been put "on the back burner." Thank you!!

Love the camo barbie......
Lady P said…
uv protection of yarn bombs - i love it!!
Lana Gramlich said…
Awesome on the book--congrats! The eye's looking great...pardon the pun. ;)
As far as keeping the fibers from fading, I wonder if Scotch Guard would work.

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