Sour Grapes: Anti Knit Graffiti & Yarn bombing Naysayers

There is a raging debate going on, and an opinion by some that knit graffiti /yarnboming should not be getting such publicity. Someone even created an anti knit graffiti manifesto.
They're entitled to their opinion.

I'm an old jafa bird, so as someone who has been knitting off and on for about 4o years, embroidering almost as long, doing crafts 30 years, and been a professional artist 15 years
I am entitled to share my opinion too and here it is.

The manifesto is easily refuted on many counts regarding what is and isn't a waste of time, what knitting should or shouldn't be used for, environmental issues, etc etc.
How Knit Graffiti Artists Spend Their Time
Yarn being used for Decorative Purposes
The fallacious argument about donating knitting to the Homeless
It seems disingenuous for someone to claim any time spent on knitting should be donated with little regard to the real needs requested by homeless shelters.
Please take some time to look at the priority needs list for homeless shelters and those that serve the needs of the homeless (knitted items don't make the list).
cold weather needs: sleeping bags, thermal blankets, coats, shoes to name just a few

Knit Graffiti is just one of those things that has captured the public's imagination and as such received a lot of attention in the news. The sour grapes, the umbrage, smells of jealousy or elitism or resentment. It's a fad, and people are getting joy from it. Nobody says YOU have to do it, or like it. Nobody is dictating how YOU should spend your time or how to use your craft or art supplies, or what you should or shouldn't knit or create.

Bottom Line
I like it, my friends like it, my family like it, children like it (some local children have taken up knitting and want to contribute pieces), and I hear many locals saying they like it. Tourists come to town to get their photos taken next to it. Our village was listed by Budget Travel as one of the" top 10 coolest towns in America" and included the knit graffiti as part of it.
It brightens up the street, and it makes people smile.
That is really all that counts.

Bike Rack yarnbombing Dayton Street, Yellow Springs


eclipse gallery said…
I love it too! There are always going to be people going against whatever it is that you are doing, darn negative people!
You may have gone too far now that you are influencing children to knit. How will they text or play video games with their hands and minds occupied? Seriously, I never understand these type of criticisms over other people artistic output. Many of our public spaces are so uniformly sterile it is hard to believe we even have an artistic culture.
Art said…
Sour grapes is right. Enjoy yourself
jafabrit said…
Oh gosh yes eclipse, you can't win.

Bill, I had't thought of that LOL!

Well art, some suck sour grapes, and others enjoy life, so yes, I enjoy myself. woo hoo!!!!
ckw said…
well said and right on-yayarn!
Sheree Rensel said…
Jaf!!! WHAT?????? Some people are such jerks!!! OH. I think you know that already! LOL LOL I think all of you Guerilla Knitters should start knitting some gags to put over the critics mouths!!! What a bunch of idiots they are! :-0

Lady P said…
fad smad - i love to see people woh never thought of arting out in public places considering a bit of guerilla knitta tactics and putting up a yarny bit that is sure to bring a smile to MOST people's faces
and why should anyone care how someone else spends their knitting time? it is a precious commodity, knitting time, to be sure, which why it is even more important that it is used in a way that makes the knitter happy
Knit the City said…
Yay! We couldn't have said it better ourselves.

Our knitted hats are off to you. And on an inanimate object. :)

Knit the City x
jafabrit said…
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jafabrit said…
wow, thanks for the tween knit the city :)

Oh sheree, I LOVE your brutal honesty lol!

YAY yarn ckw!!!

Lady P, the absolute joy on a childs' face, and the smiles of locals totally outstrips the nays.

thank you all for dropping by :)
Anonymous said…
yay jafa grrl,

You know something is popular when there is a backlash.

So the fact that this tiny teensy kit thing has it's own backlash is a giant compliment to the power of grafitti knit.

We all know we rock...
eek said…
Oh how hilarious! I don't get why people like to bitch so much about what others do and then get upset when they get called out on it. Seriously, I read that "amnifesto" and it was seriously bitchy. Did she really think people weren't going to be upset? If she truly did think that, then she's dumb as a post. (hmmm...maybe you could tie a bit of knitting arund her and pretty her up a bit... ;-) )
jafabrit said…
Great point grrrl+dog :)

That was my response eek, hilarious! I mean really, there are more important things to get upset over, and the knitting habits of others are the least of them.

thanks for dropping by Knit the City and for the tweet :)
eek said…
Yikes! I just noticed how atrocious my spelling was (even for me!) in my last comment. Sorry about that. :-)
Sakurako Kitsa said…
I always have fun looking at it, anyway.
Fiona Leonard said…
Bring it on, I say! You can't pay for that sort of publicity!!!

No point arguing with people like that - these are the sort of people who have a "all leave is cancelled until morale improves" outlook on life.

Knit on!
You go Girl..... I love what you do and it does bring a smile to so many faces. There will always be naysayers.
Colette Amelia said…
you know sometimes I just don't have the energy to explain meself and I would instead like to just tell those who seem to have nothing better to do than tell the rest of us how to live to Fuck off!

I think it would feel good. I might try it one day.

Anyway I saw some knitting while on holidays and I thought of you!! it is so cool.

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