Finding Your Joy Regardless

Back in December 2023 I went for a physical and had an unpleasant experience with a Physicians assistant. Let's just say I don’t do well with being bullied about what I should do health wise, especially when I was already living a healthy active lifestyle. I  decided there and then to hunt for a new doctor. 

So yes I WAS living an active healthy lifestyle until  one week later after this assistant gave me his bully lecture  I had a  bad fall on my very first hike of the season. Took 5 weeks to recover.  I won't bore you with how many petty illnesses I have had since other than to say I  have taken on the role as a professional couch potato.  

Where is my whinging leading! Ah! yes, finding your joy. Cultivating gratitude and contentment when I feel the universe is playing a big joke is no easy task.  

Have I shared how much I LOVE my sketchbook.  My fave brand is Stillman & Birn Zeta Series because you can open it flat and the paper is so smooth and thick enough to handle ink, paint, pen, pencil.

Summer Garden by corrine bayraktaroglu
Each day sketching, drawing, paining ( ha ha I meant to say painting ,what a great pun)  in my sketchbook is my joy,  Like a cat I stalk and hunt out snippets of joy, no matter how small because each day is a precious gift and I am so glad to be here, even if I do shake my fist at the sky.

How to Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude
