JafaRocks:Faces Lost in Time
Have you ever looked at old photos and wondered who they were? These long lost faces in photographs who stare out at you, but there is little to no context of who they were, except you know that someone loved them once, they existed once. It often evokes a poignancy and a reminder of one's mortality and eventual anonymity in the timeline of humanity. Millions of unique faces and the only record of their existence is in a portrait, or a photograph, or etched on rock, or a bust, a death mask, or recorded in a scratchy film.
to use them too.
There are some who love the stone faces, and others who are indifferent and then those who hate them and find them disturbing. I wonder if those that find them disturbing feel the same way about faces lost in time in found photographs. The sad realization that they too will be lost to humanity once they are gone, a stranger, a blip in the universe.
I'm so glad your friend convinced you to do a series...I already love the depth of the
personalities, and I can't WAIT to see how the series has evolved, when you've
decided you're finished!
P.S. IMHO, you should def sell these. Are you numbering them? (Just curious)
Have a wonderful New Years. Looks like your move has been fruitful.
xoxo T