The Craftivist Sisterhood and Craftivism in the News
I was asked on a blog talk radio interview at whio Dayton what the Craftivist Sisterhood was. I can tell you what it's not and that is it's not a formal group, club or organization. In our case, the reason for the interview, it was three friends who joined together in a spontaneous act of sisterhood to express our feelings through craft. Definition: Craftivism is joining craft and activism but for a longer explanation check out Betsy Greer who coined the term.
Any women who get together and create crafts to express an opinion or address an issue is in the Craftivist Sisterhood. There are organizations you can join such as the craftivist collective started by Sarah Corbett OR you can do what a friend of mine, Johanna Smith, did when she moved to a new state and put out the call to fellow Knitters/crochet and started a Crafting for a Cause group.
Craftivism: Melding of crafting, activism is having a moment
Colleen Haraden-Gorski uses her embroidery skills these days to embellish quilts made by students at school and community-center workshops on themes of social justice and working together to make a difference. Recently, she embroidered images of barbed wire and the serial numbers of concentration-camp victims on a square about the Holocaust.
Making Good: Five Ways to be a Craftivist