Face It Friday:graphite powder

Art Pal Sandi and I challenged each other to draw/paint a face each Friday to keep us on our creative toes ;) I decided to use my weeping angel photo as a reference and used graphite powder,  kneaded rubber eraser and  mitsu-bishi pencil. Not very polished, but the main goal is to just do a face rather than worry too much about the finished product. 
For those who want to explore using graphite powder here is a video tutorial from the Virtual Instructor.
I wanted to play with the image further so took an iphone pic and played with a couple of apps until I got it where I wanted. 
Hope you enjoyed visiting 
cheers and have a great weekend


Lisa Graham saidā€¦
I love the look of the graphite powder. Thank you for sharing. Love the face...very alive!

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