Are you looking for a FLOWER POWER image for your project

If so, please remember that you can't just grab the image off the internet. There is one scraper wallpaper site I know of that is offering it for free for fb, it is NOT FREE. As usual my friend and I are finding people, companies, websites, schools and others just freely grabbing our images/work without any respect for us, our copyright, or need to earn income from our work.  Our (jafagirl) flower power image has been particularly popular and as the summer plans come into swing, this is a reminder to please contact us if you would like to use/licence our images. Just leave a message here or contact us at jafagirlart at yahoo 

It's really easy to just ask, and a win win situation, because not only do we get credit for our work, we will promote your event.

and not it is NOT cool to see
 someone claim copyright to it
and selling it on Deco Line

If you would like to see the REAL artists get paid for their work check out 
Hippie Flower Power Sticker by jafabrit


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