Painting Lemons

cut lemon
Yummy Lemons!
 I had fun photographing them and much easier than painting them.
I found this old oil painting yesterday.
 I did it over 15 years ago and hated it, ripped it out of the canvas and threw it in the closet.I liked how I painted the bowl but I hated the lemons and I thought the painting static and boring. Maybe some find painting lemons easy but I found them to be difficult to paint. It's just yellow, right?  Well that is where it gets a bit dodgy.

So I did a quick study in my sketchbook to see if I still found them a challenge. The answer is YES! I think I will try and do a few more drawing and painting studies of them. Now if I could just get them to look like Willem Claeszoon Heda's YUMMY lemons or like Manet's.

If you want to try your hand at painting lemons here is a lovely painting demo by Noah Layne and here is a video by Rachel Shirley

thanks for dropping by jafabrit's art


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