Yarny Tales in Ohio and Things That Make Me Smile

On Saturday we (jafagirls) did a art 
 walking tour of Yellow Springs (check out the towns art map)  with about 22 Docents from the Dayton Art Institute.  They wanted to come and visit us and see our yarnbombs. After the walking tour we did a slide show presentation  and reception at the Yellow Springs Arts Council. Was such a delight to meet them and also hear about the public's response to the yarnbombing at the DAI. We were supposed to take them down at the end of this month but the Docents are pushing for the yarny displays to stay up a couple of more months since they've been so popular with visitors.  On Sunday Connie Post at the Dayton Daily News did a lovely article in the Sunday section of the news about us.
It's good to know that what we do as artists has an impact, and with something so simple as a wee bit yarn on a pole or a tree.

Talking about things that make me happy and smile;the smiley tales continue as grannie trikes again, this time past the Women's Park.
Such a lovely spot on the bike trail.


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