Craft Activism and small protest signs

 In our (jafagirls) frustration at the sudden news of ALL the trees being chopped down on the high street section of Xenia Ave in Yellow Springs we did what we often do,turn to our art/craft as a means of expression. So we made 14 or 15 felt patches that have various quotes on them, and attached them to the trees. One was quoted in the Dayton Daily News article Proposed removal of the trees causes outrage in Yellow Springs
 I am not sure about the word outrage, seems a bit over the top. Many were shocked by the  way a sidewalk repair project suddenly evolved into a complete revitalization plan with no input from the public and how our Bradford Pears had suddenly became a dangerous major THREAT to our Glen.  Never seen anything about it on the Glen website or newspapers, no public awareness campaign to warn the public. Our whole village is filled with Bradford Pears, so getting rid of the one's on Xenia Avenue won't solve THAT problem. As for safe sidewalks, everyone supports that :) 
As the village council has admitted, they should have handled this differently, communication is key, especially when it comes to taxpayers money and major changes to our downtown area. 


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