Embracing Process
Sometimes I really have to remind myself that I'm not in a race, that I don't have to rush onto the next project.
My internet was down for a couple of days and I had no access to bbc radio, we don't have tv, so it was quiet around here. I rather enjoyed the solitude in my studio. I did watch a couple of old Bette Davis movies on DVD, and sketch out ideas for a piece, AND play in my sketchbook. I remind myself that the process of playtime in my sketchbook is important. That breathing space between projects gives ideas time to mature and grow.
I didn't know there was such a term as process art, did you? "the 'process' in process art refers to the process of the formation of art: the gathering, sorting, collating, associating, and patterning."
The Guggenheim describes it as art that "emphasizes the "process" of making art, (rather than any predetermined composition or plan) and the concepts of change and transience.
non dominant hand drawing
I am going to have to ponder this one as there is a piece I want to do that addresses such an issue.
I am thoroughly a process artist. However, this has its drawbacks. It has made it hard for me to care about art sales. I don't really care about judging the work of my students because I see art as a process, not a product. I have tried to change my tune about all this. It is coming along, but process will always be in my heart.