Subversive Stitch: I didn't think I would do it

but I did.
If you are easily offended then I suggest you do NOT scroll past this picture.


I have not been a big fan of using rude language or imagery in my work (although yes I did do that ONE embroidery but), but I  was invited to participate in a project involving said word. I enjoyed the challenge of seeing if I could visually create a piece that added my own style with a very commonly used word.

so here it is, the f and c being my OWN design, U is by Giacomo Franco's from his Anthropomorphic Alphabet circa 1600's, and K from this book 
and just for fun


dinahmow said…
Looks like Rufus is covering his ears so he wont hear it! lol
jafabrit said…
LOL! yes, he is rather sensitive ;)
Jennibellie said…
I love this artwork, you have such a cool style. Great work thanks for sharing :) x
jafabrit said…
Thanks Jennibellie :)
Undaunted said…
The eyes and the bird are very you!
Petrena said…
THAT is just the sweetest little face!

Effing awesome! Love the lettering !
Anonymous said…
LOVE!!! I had a friend who did her whole MA thesis show on words such as this.

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