Blog Break

Off for a Month traveling
view from the Baltic 
and how cool I may get to see Maurizio Anzeri's work. I love the complexity of the stitches over the photographs.
Most inspiring and a reminder of my dissatisfaction with what I'm doing.
I feel that gnawing in my bones to stretch and push the boundaries further. 
Meanwhile for your viewing pleasure
Men and women view art differently,well at least according to this study from Norway.
Hum! Does Creativity Increase with Age?
Thanks to Joanne Matvichuk for this fun news video story about Yarnbombing called When Knitters Go Bad.

I saw this really awesome video on Two Coats of Paint

OH, and here is one of my new FAVE website's  Cakehead Loves Evil


Casey Klahn said…
Have a nice break, Corrine.

I followed your links. The PT study was a big "duh!" Perhaps that's my aging brain's response to science stating things we all know. Oldsters care less, and so they can be a little freer in creativity.

I did find a snappy vid of OK Go and the Muppets, too. Thanks for the spin around the net!
jafabrit said…
Absolutely agree with you on the PT study.

cheers until next time Casey.
Petrena said…
Man, what a NEANDERTHAL!!!
(Unbelievable that people still think they can get away with that...) Half hope they would give him the same treatment! (Yah, like 'whoops!')

I love Sharon Butler...really cool lady.

I saw this:

though over on 'a lefthanded life' blog and laughed.
That would be me.

Have a FABULOUS time and take lots of pics to share!!!

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