TED: Use art to turn the world inside out

Some of his (JR) projects are amazing, and yes I can see why his work has an impact. The rooftop eyes seem to be treasured by the inhabitants in Africa and the clever solution to wheatpasting in India. I also love the way he considers the placement of the images, and the attempt to change perception.
Listen to his Wish & Participate
I suppose in  our own way (I refer to all yarnbombers), we have done our bit and kinda turned the knitting world inside out :)
Jafagirls got a nice mention in the Crimson Times with some pics about yarnbombing being a new style of urban art.

 I want to thank Fiona for the lovely flowers  and shout out on her on her blog for International Women's Day. I was honored to be included in your list.

 New York New York
 Yep Jafagoil is going to New York and going to be in a movie :) 
That's all I know for now and all I can share wheeeeeee!


Melody Kingsley said…
Do you teach any classes? My daughter is very intersted in your artwork!
Anonymous said…
WOW, CB...thank you!

That was really cool and powerful and I'm going to share.

Thank you so much for posting it (may I ask where you found it?)

You gals should make him an honorary 'jafa!' Ha!

Take care and thanks again....Treena
jafabrit said…
Hiay Treena
I got the embed code from:
I just LOVED this video too.
jafabrit said…
thanks for dropping by Melody, will send you an email.

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