Puttering around on a Happy Independence Day
Photo by Jafabrit 2009
and so far mine has been spent spent working on art (as usual), reading mags and preparing food for tonight. One of my fave mags Juxtapoz magazine has a great interview with the godfather of street art Richard Hambleton. I liked his comment in that "creating a movement called "street art" is more complex than being an academic" and that he would "prefer to be artistically creative than academic."
Image source from Juxtapoz Magazine (can't see who took the photo?)
A lot of what he said resonated, especially in regards to painting with with black and white, using the term street art, and explaining that there is no method to his creativity.
Sometimes things just don't work out.
Okay, I had FUN doing it, but not so crazy with the results. Oh well, will plonk it somewhere in town mixed with the flowers.
okay I admit it, I like some garden gnomes and this one is a vintage ceramic one I picked up in a junk shop in Jersey