In the Garden of Delights
Found things in Garage Sales
Not sure if this is vintage , seems like a character doll from a children's book, but I LOVE his shoes. These lace up shoes(espadrilles) were very popular in the 70's.
Bata Shoe Museum (check out the heels on these shoes-phew!)
Was given things from Garage Sales
Jafapal Karen found this Pure linen 50"x 70" crosstitch printed tablecloth in mint condition and gave it to me. Thanks Karen! It's beautiful to work on.
Stitching Away
Your "LIAR" embrodery is unbelievably AWESOME. Of course, you know that already!!!
Yea, I saw the shoes first and then the rest of the doll second and knew he had to come home with me and sit in my studio.