What an inspiration: Louise Bourgeois

I will skip doing a blog entry about her as Eyeteeth: A journal of incisive ideas wrote a lovely one. At 98 Louise Bourgeois was finishing up some pieces when she had a heart attack. What an amazing career she had.
Her final exhibit is titled "fabric drawings" and is in Venice.You can see some samples of her work and the artist here.


"lead belly"
Paint and hand embroidery on muslin
satin stitch, long and short, couching

I think I'm going to leave the edges raw, which will further support the theme.

Jafagirl Updates
We added a new textile graffiti totem pole in town called "mellow yellow" sponsored by the Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce.
I thought if we went 8:30am to start putting it up hardly anyone would be around, HA!!!!! was I mistaken. Backstory on our blog. 

Feathers thrown around us by some bloke as he passed by.


Art saidā€¦
I always loved, loved, loved her spiders!
Debrina saidā€¦
Hi Jafa - I'm hail and hearty once again! Hooray. I am enjoying my break (we're off to Tauranga tomorrow - about a 5 hr drive from where I live) to see my sister, so I'm taking my journals with me and my camera to record all the cool things along the way. I reckon when I come back I'll resume blogging with all my new material. Just loving your incredible embroidery. Did you hand embroider or machine embroider the eye? It's worthy of the Gutenheim. It should be in
there under fabric art.
jafabrit saidā€¦
I haven't seen enough of her work to say which I love, but her spiders were amazing Art.

whoo hoo Debrina, glad you are feeling more chipper and looking forward to a nice trip.
The embroidery is all hand done :) thanks for the compliment.
Erik saidā€¦
If but only I could be producing at 98 and at the level she has achieved.
jafabrit saidā€¦
I feel the same Erik!
jafabrit saidā€¦
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ineteye saidā€¦
art have u ever wrote any thing here

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