Touchdown Jesus Struck by Lightening

Photo by jafabrit

This is one of my fave views from the freeway driving back home. It is 62 feet tall and is in front of Monroe's Solid Rock Church. So this is kind of sad, but yes seriously it was struck by lightening and burned to the ground.

Roadside America has a nice article about the statue here.

This is all that's left

source:  staff photo by Nick Graham


thats so sad that is all thats left!
jafabrit said…
I know a lot of people didn't like it, but it did become a recognizable landmark many appreciated, loved or enjoyed for various reasons.
Art said…
That is crazy! and open to so many jokes about irony, etc.

Do you happen to know what it was made of?
shana goetsch said…
oh noes! but i like the remnant too. sorta spidery, isn't it?
Undaunted said…
Ouch, that's a lot of damage. What a shame, such a beautiful sculpture. I can't believe people expected it to be protected though! I mean, it's not actually Jesus is it??
jafabrit said…
Art, it was made of wood and styrofoam over a steel framework that was anchored in concrete and covered with a fiberglass mat and resin exterior".

Shana, I agree about the steel remnants.

LOL undaunted.
Katiejane said…
I know it is a locally famous landmark, but I had to kind of laugh at the irony of it all. Did God not like this statue? It was rather large and pretentious, I thought. Oh well, I'm sure they will build another one.
jafabrit said…
thanks for dropping by Katiejane :) yes, large and pretentious and an example of pure roadside americana. It's the kind of American kitsch that contiues to intrugue me as an immigrant to the United States.
Anonymous said…
I have seen this statue many times, and I did not like it at all. They spent $600,000 on that thing. Isn't it interesting that the lightning hit it instead of a building? Wonder why? I sure wouldn't rebuild it...but they plan on doing just that. We'll see what happens.
jafabrit said…
Hiay Cathy, I am not really surpised it was struck by lightening considering the height and material. I don't think they had a lightening rod? I also don't doubt they will build it again. The evangelical spirit will compell that.
Cynthia said…
I saw this on the news recently and instantly remembered you! I shouldn't be surprised to see a skeletal support structure underneath, but yet I am.
jafabrit said…
cyn, how lovely to see you here, and I peeked at our blog and it's nice to see you balancing things out with family, school and your clay time.

Can you believe they didn't have a lightening rod?
cynthia said…
No I can't believe there was no lightening rod - seems like a no-brainer for something reaching as dramatically skyward as "Touch Down Jesus".

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