It is nought good a slepyng hound to wake


Well, it's not a hound but a hairless chihuahua ornament I picked up from a flea market, but the title works.Something about the juxtaposition of the sleeping dog and the skull drawing in my sketchbook on the coffee table struck me and inspired  a painting on Gesso Board. As you can see I'm starting  with a Grisaille to get all the tones before I start glazing with colour.  
Talking about picking things up from flea markets I found this vintage tin.

I'm a fan of Shakespeare, Turkey, and have family in St.Louis so I couldn't resist this, which is now my mini sewing box.

By the way the saying in the title is by Chaucer from - Troilus and Criseyde (bk. III, 764) which was to become the inspiration for Shakespeare's version.


You never fail to enlighten me for which I send bounteous thanks;
'That firste he wroughte and after he taughte.'
deb said…
am loving it already :)
Undaunted said…
I vaguely remember this from before... maybe it was a photo of your skull drawing with the ornament? Anyway, I'm glad to see you are finally putting it to paper - or gesso board!

You always seem to find the coolest things. :)

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