what is old is new and what is new is old
translation of a sketchbook page into embroidery
acrylic paint, photo transfer, embroidery
Embroidery is going slow due to increased work on jafagirl projects, but it's getting there.
Embroidery is going slow due to increased work on jafagirl projects, but it's getting there.
Lucina Hudson
American Folk Art Museum
Watercolor and silk thread on silk with metallic thread and spangles
It's always interesting to look back and realize that what we are doing is not always that new. Perhaps a new twist on things that define/reflect our times, but technically speaking not new. I really like the idea of embroidery becoming a historical document somehow.
Needle Paintings
American Folk Art Museum
Watercolor and silk thread on silk with metallic thread and spangles
It's always interesting to look back and realize that what we are doing is not always that new. Perhaps a new twist on things that define/reflect our times, but technically speaking not new. I really like the idea of embroidery becoming a historical document somehow.
Needle Paintings
"During the 15th and 16th centuries in Italy, needle painting (or nué embroidery) reached a peak. Famous painters such as Antonio del Pollaiuolo designed scenes to be executed by embroiderers." Needlework History.
Needle painting continues
check out Chuck Close's Tapestries.
Penny Nickels article history of craftivism
Victoria & Albert Museum collection