It Starts with a Picture
and pictures always tell a story
Here is a wonderful journey called The Story Beyond the Still
A competition by Canon "to interpret what story lives beyond this still and to tell that story with the new Canon EOS 7D. Vincent Laforet's "The Cabbie" will be the first chapter of seven, each ending with a still photograph for the next aspiring filmmaker to interpret. Posing the question to everyone, what do you see beyond the still?"
The Story Beyond The Still: The Cabbie from Vincent Laforet on Vimeo.
I finished doing the arms and decided to do long and short for the arms and satin stitch for the fingers. I thought it might look odd but I am okay with it. I like how the fag turned out and used french knots for the ash.
Still figuring out how to do the hair.
Here is a wonderful journey called The Story Beyond the Still
A competition by Canon "to interpret what story lives beyond this still and to tell that story with the new Canon EOS 7D. Vincent Laforet's "The Cabbie" will be the first chapter of seven, each ending with a still photograph for the next aspiring filmmaker to interpret. Posing the question to everyone, what do you see beyond the still?"
The Story Beyond The Still: The Cabbie from Vincent Laforet on Vimeo.
It's always fascinating how people bring their own interpretation to an image, to a painting.
Meanwhile Jafabrit is still AT it with needle and thread
Still figuring out how to do the hair.