
You know the types of haters, they have nothing nice to say or negate everything you do. It happens a lot when you're young, but even at my age I get it now and again, especially with any attention my work or public art projects get. I wonder if they ever realize how sad they look? I found this wonderful blog entry that I know is 2 years old but still very relevant called "Mean People Suck" and talks about professional jealousy.I also really like what Ricky Gervais said in this interview about nasty critisism.
How do YOU deal with it?

I almost quit doing the blog a few months ago. I just didn't seem to get many visitors, or comments and then I thought heck with it, that isn't why I'm doing it and besides I have one very very important visitor

Page from Art House Sketchbook


shana goetsch said…
well yarn is not everyone's aesthetic, truthfully. i could do without, myself. However, i think that in this art realm, you gotta roll with the punches/rejections. and are you really surprised that not everyone in the world likes/appreciates your work? it's bound to happen sometimes.

i think it's almost better to have haters. they get your name out there more. they are a blessing in disguise, imo. i think i'd be nowhere without them and their jealousies. i provide a service for them as well, by giving them something to talk about in their little grey lives.
see? now they are downright useful! it's all about the perspective.
Burtjin said…
got ur point. tnk u.
Teresa said…
The think about blogging is that you never know whose live you are touching - AND INSPIRING!! - every single day...like mine!

Please don't ever stop blogging. I may not comment on every post but you make a positive difference in my life with every post.
jafabrit said…
I agree shana, I don't like some art either :)
I do think however that if a person is going to dismiss art (any art) they skip the pathetic reasoning :) or I am going to call it out. Other than that if they just hate something I dont' really give a frig.
LOL! I rather like the providing a service approach.

thanks for dropping by Burtjin :)

Thanks Teresa :) I won't be stopping blogging. I forget sometimes how we all can touch each others lives even with the simplest of acts, including blogging. I appreciate the reminder.
Undaunted said…
Yeah, I didn't pop by for quite a while because I was so busy doing nothing! Now that I am actually busier I am finding more time to blog/read blogs. How odd...

Anyway, thanks for the great links, including your own article. Unfortunately I'm quite sensitive to other people's comments, and I'm fairly critical of myself anyway. Maybe it's because I'm still a "newbie" and need reassurance. I hope in time I can feel like I don't care what others think.
jafabrit said…
it is very freeing not to care undaunted, so I hope you are able to do that one day.
Unknown said…
I'm glad you keep posting - I read & love your blog via an RSS feed, so I probably don't show up in the number of visitors (do RSS feeds count as hits?). No doubt there are others like that...
jafabrit said…
I hadn't thought of that Dan, and thanks :)

Hope you and your family are enjoying your new home :)
crpitt said…
Although I do comment every now and then, like Dan I read via RSS reader mainly, as I do with all my favourite blogs.

I love this blog and your artwork :)
nothingprofound said…
Love the knit trees. Really enchanting. Tempted to encourage local artists here in Ithaca to do likewise to brighten up the winter days which are swiftly approaching. As for haters, it's really their problem, isn't it? They need to find something more fulfilling to do.
Pageant said…
I was dismayed to read that you had considered discontinuing your blog because of negative feedback or just plain lack of feedback. Although I don’t read it every day, your blog is inspiring -- to the point that once I discovered it not too long ago, I went back through the archives and looked at every post (that took awhile). IMO your creativity and energy have contributed mightily to Yellow Springs being chosen as one of Ohio’s Best Hometowns, and I, for one, am clapping my hands for Tinkerbell! Please, please don’t give up.
jafabrit said…
Pageant, that is one heck of a compliment, thank you.
and to you Claire.

I am not going to give up blogging, SWEAR it! I just got discouraged for a while but I am OVER it.

Hope you go for the yarnboming in Ithica nothingprofound, there is not only a visual element that give people joy, it's a shared activity that can bring people together in such a rewarding way.
Anonymous said…
GREAT post and links...and Rick is right: feel free to be 'bombproof.'
Just a thought, though...as pathetic as the jealousy is, these are INSECURE people. Seriously. HATERS ARE ALWAYS 'DAMAGED.' Not that they'd ever admit it, and they get really pissed off if it's pointed out but they are. And the more petty they are or get, the more damaged you know they are. There is something down deep within them that just isn't whole and they know it and either can't figure out what it is and how to constructively deal with it or are just too scared or lazy. NEVER let other people define you: they will try, and sometimes try to damage you, too, when you refuse but always remember that their bad attitude or behavior is a reflection on THEM. Not you. Peace, sisters.
Unknown said…
FYI, the new guy in my office (a LtCol in the USAF) mentioned today that he likes to crochet... so naturally I mentioned the Yellow Springs Yarn Bombers and directed him to your blog. He thought the idea was awesome (cause it is).
I know exactly what you mean, a couple of years ago, when I started my business, I wasn't selling too well. Someone (and I think I know who) took it upon themselves to anonymously post to my blog telling me to 'try something else as it obviously isnt working'. Like thanks, Im going to give up because I'm not having much sucess in my first few months of business. Well,, HATER, I'm two years in and have made profit every year; Im on a residency in Australia, and I just scored my first solo show, so SUCK ON THAT. Phew. see, I know exactly what you're talking about.

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