G is for GewGaw

And thank goodness for GewGaws because I use them all the time in found art, assemblages etc. My fave was this glass glitter heart incorporated into my FAF Guerrilla Art piece called "Goldigger"

Hard to see but there are porcelain teeth inside the box.

Talking about procrastination, my fave street art sticker was published in this cool street mag called "i left this here for you to read" issue #39.

"I used to be indecisive but now I'm not sure"


The left! I like the drop out causing the dog to flatten. Could be an interesting interplay depending what else is going on with the rest. The Grog & Grind sounds like a nice spot to drop in for a pint. We'll learn ya to speak English afore ya know it.
jafabrit said…
yea! sounds like a nice pub and I could do with a drinky poo :) I think yes, I agree with you about the dog on the left. Thanks.
Lucky Dip Lisa said…
Facintating blog! I couldn't resist Deb's intro to your blog and I'm glad I didn't! Will have to keep coming back and see what else you get up too!

That knit knot tree's pretty wicked, love what you are doing!
jafabrit said…
thanks Lisa :)
MadSilence said…
Wow! It's been months since we lasted visited JafaBrit's Art. What a transformation. I like the new look.
~MadSilence :-)
jafabrit said…
thanks MadSilence :)

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