Stealing Images: copyright violation

This is NOT cool, I found this poster using MY artwork on the comment section of this myspace page! by someone called twinkyproductions. advertizing the band on the their my space page.

I wonder if the band likes to get paid for their work?
Nobody asked me. I did not give permission.
When I sent a message asking about it
I was told I was a Mother Fucker

Copyright Law


Die Twinky, Die!!! Obviously they feel there is nothing that can be done. They probably do this all the time because obviously they are no talent bloodsuckers.
jafabrit said…
we'll see.
shana goetsch said…
nothing to be done...? public humiliation goes a long way. happened to me a few months back. i fixed his little red wagon i hate this.

i really think this is a commentary on society. they feel that it's on the internet and therefor it's up for grabs. my violator honestly said that to me, and honestly thought it was okay. no sirry. i am a sharer when asked too.

this sucks, but there are many things you can do. public humiliation is one. it works very fast that way. you can report it to myspace though.
kaslkaos said…
Outright theft. Commiserations and I wish you luck. The image makes a fabulous band poster, and that opportunity was stolen from you.
shana goetsch said…
p.s. i don't know if you noticed....but they were dumb enough to leave your NAME on their stolen file name...

stupid effers. i made a complaint on your behalf when i saw that.
hope you don't mind.
jafabrit said…
Thanks shana. I can't imagine them or their record company being so polite or complacent about their work being ripped off.
You know that saying. "you attract more flies with honey than with vinegar."

A polite response would have resulted in a whole different approach and no blog entry about it either.

thanks Kas, yes I agree it looks great as a band poster, although the band member told me "Don't get your panties in a twist just because some kid made a flier that won't even be remember two weeks after it was used."
So I guess it was good enough to promote their band, but not good enough when it comes out the image is stolen and mine.
The young band member doesn't know that, just like artists, his music gets noticed one song at a time. Unless his music is a lot less memorable than your image.
Lady P said…
wow - shitty!!! yeah, i saw the same thing shana did - the image still had your tag on it
probably thought you would never notice
Amorette said…
Ugh, I HATE it when this happens. People steal my stuff all the time too, and they honestly seem to believe that if it's on the internet it's free for the taking, and that includes big magazines who should know better.

Many people, when they save the picture, don't even bother to change the filename. Then you can use the tineye reverse search to see where it went.

For your flickr account, you can also use bighugelabs' DNA tool, where you can use "ego surf" to see who's linking/referencing.
jafabrit said…
thanks for the info Amorette, and for everyone's thoughts and support.
Fiona Leonard said…
Bad form!

It's interesting how easy access to images has made people assume they have no value.

My husband was contacted by a band manager in the UK about some photos he had taken of the band at a concert.

She loved the photos, but quickly lost interest on discovering she would have to pay. We were wondering whether the musician always played for free...
I'm sorry they didn't ask to use your work, but I'm not surprised they did. Your work is awesome! Just take it as a compliment. Your work will be around a lot longer than theirs will. ;)
Twinky Productions obviously needs to experience a lawsuit..... they will loose the last 12 dollars in their bank account.
jafabrit said…
LOL Judith. Thanks Lonebeader :)
jafabrit said…
Fiona, the band member ought to know better. I bet she didn't even offer a trade with a cd or anything right?
Debrina said…
Well, I didn't see this post earlier! Commiserations - this sucks the big kumara! I'm learning all the time about this copyright stuff and how it should pertain to Internet images. It makes one weary of publishing online, full-stop. What an arsehole comment to get back when you accosted them too!
The links to bighugelabs' DNA tool is a useful one. Thanks.
jafabrit said…
I wasn't even rude about it Deb, just asked. Oh well!

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