Eye on Brutality

Embroidery, paint on tea stained muslim

"IN THE 19TH CENTURY, the paramount moral challenge was slavery. In the 20th century, it was totalitarianism. In this century, it is the brutality inflicted on so many women and girls around the globe: sex trafficking, acid attacks, bride burnings and mass rape."
Women's Crusade New York Times Magazine

How to fight this scourge.

There is an answer being offered by Nicholas Kristoff; Sheryl Wudunn in their book called Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide."

On the Domestic Front
One of my fave blogs, Mr.XStitch, has a request for Turning Point (Domestic Violence Agency) in Illinois whose budget has been drastically cut and will seriously impact the range of services.


Lori Askeland said…
More locally, there's Project Woman, in Springfield Ohio, which is an excellent, well-run program that serves all people who are victims of domestic violence in Clark and Champaign--mostly women and children but also men:

You can donate to them when you shop online at a bunch of stores: http://www.igive.com/welcome/

They have also had serious grant and funding losses, so every dollar counts!
Search for their name once you've typed in "Ohio."
jim w said…
i read this article a few days ago, makes some pretty great suggestions. the slavery stas in India/China are particularly shocking...
Philip said…
I take your point ... but isn't this century about sustainability?

Would love to see a local People Watching video! Please!
jafabrit said…
Yes, I think so Philip, sustainability that is. problem is we still seem to be in the dark ages when it comes to women, so what about sustainability of women in helping promote a healthy world.
Kim said…
how satisfying to read that story in the NY Times...
made my day :))
Mark Gisleson said…
Muslin, not muslim!

I had to look twice to make sure this wasn't an Ed Gein leatherworking project.
Lana Gramlich said…
An unfortunately great post. <:\
Lynette said…
Hi Corinne, this is stark and powerful, that's the feeling I got looking at your work on the muslin and it's so sad and unjust how women are treated in some other parts of the world today. I read and hear things in the news that just make you feel disbelief!

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