I Travel Not Alone
Given my recent declaration about the business of art a fellow blogger Claire very kindly directed me towards this New York Times Article, titled "Tight Times Loosen Artists Creativity, and I thought, uh huh! Yep! Exactly! It is really nice to know I'm not alone.
"Many artists echoed Ms. Holland, testifying that the recession had strengthened their commitment to their work or allowed them to concentrate on their art".
It's funny but once I made the decision the creative floodgates opened.
Before Art
I did this about 7 /8 years prior to taking up art in 1995 at the age of 40. It's interesting to look at the differences before and after.
After Art
I am discovering that my embroidery is not much different than my painting in that I like a little rough edge, not so precious and with some evidence of the drawing/materials beneath.
I have a new blog link called MrXStitch and if you want to see something different then check out the most amazing examples of contemporary embroidery around.
On our daily doggie walk I came across this and was delighted that someone took the time to leave a note and my cheap horrid but much loved sunglasses on a tree stump. Whoever you are, THANK YOU. It was a lovely reminder of why I love living in Yellow Springs & the simple kindnesses here that make it is so special.
I wonder how many times people walk past this beautiful iron fence in Kings Yard and never notice it. The sun was making everything sparkle one day, the shadows danced across the path and I saw it for the first time, I mean really saw it. What a beautiful piece of ironwork.
It is true that leaner times gives the artist time for the work and to think in new directions. In fact, this is what I have tried to explain to so many artists who have a "business only" attitude. I learned a long time ago there are times when you sell and then times when NOTHING sells. This is why I collect my "Plan B" paycheck and work away in my studio regardless of the momentary economic climate. Being flexible and creative is the true "business" of art. That and the determination to just do your honest work without the thought of surrender.
Seriously, I am glad you liked the article, as soon as I read I thought of you.
Those who create art create life...
I love that fence...I need a good dose of YS soon. Just walking and looking and photographing.
Then came your defining the meaning of "J-A-F-A", and that gave me a big chuckle. Wished I had thought of it.
Then, seeing your posts on discussion groups, often with humor, but wide-ranging, and back to your blogs, your art, your replies to other comments, the topics, the depths lengthened. And here, the remembrance of vets, the commitment to your art despite hard times, the skeleton - then matched up to the "bones" blue song. Good. Very, very good.
Thank you.
I hear you susie, and yes that fence is just gorgeous. Oh street fair coming up, woo hoo!!!!!!!!
Thanks Ralph :) I don't think I have completely explored those depths yet, but maybe we never do eh? That's what makes this journey in life so darning interesting. My curiosity seems to know no bounds.
If you are doing what you love to do, nothing will change that.
I'd be thrilled to have you as part of my Mixed Media Art site. It's at http://MixedMediaArt.ning.com.