Sunday Snippets
I hung around town on Friday and got caught hugging a tree by "super" Dave (hey it was nice to meet you Dave), photographed a couple of things, ate a yummy sarni from the Emporium, and petted a ferret. I have never petted a ferret before and it was sooooooo sweet.
She was very sweet to let me pet him and take a pic, thanks Romy.
This is what I love about Yellow Springs, always fun to go downtown, never quite know what you will see, and the people are friendly.
I never thought ferrets could be so cute
Side of the Emporium, Yellow Springs, Ohio
Global Issues
Media and Art's Issues
Sheree, thanks for leading me to this info about the documentary
Who Does She Think She Is?
How many of you women/mothers have had your work dismissed as "JUST" a hobby (even though your work is shown and sold in galleries, exhibits)? I was told by a male art teacher he didn't waste time on bored housewives. I showed him how bored I was LOL!
New York Times review
That's a big problem up here, we don't get anything like that. We are so deprived. Yet another reason why I desperately want to move.
Oh what a shame Lady P, but I guess you could always watch the vid when it comes out with a bunch of pals.
Deb, it is quite discouraging at times isn't it.
Ah well, you've made up fer it, but!
AS usual, lots of relevant writing and links.Thanks for all the laughs and grumbles.
I posted earlier that a lot of "great" artists aren't that great, and that a lot of "nobodies" produce fantastic work, and now that I think about it, those "great" artists are all male, and those "nobodies" are all female.
Thanks for these links Jafabrit, you've given me food for thought.