She who ponders
Is she who scribbles in sketchbooks
and talking of sketchbooks
Sketchbook Project
The Art House Sketchbook Project made it into the Brooklyn Daily Eagle.
the doll is my wish doll made out of cloth, wire, my hair, leather, clay feet
and wearing a Turkish evil eye bead (nazar bonjuk) on the wrist.
and to my son
HAPPY BIRTHDAYDogum gunun kutlu olsun!
and talking of sketchbooks
Sketchbook Project
The Art House Sketchbook Project made it into the Brooklyn Daily Eagle.
the doll is my wish doll made out of cloth, wire, my hair, leather, clay feet
and wearing a Turkish evil eye bead (nazar bonjuk) on the wrist.
and to my son
HAPPY BIRTHDAYDogum gunun kutlu olsun!
I am hoping the bead protects me ;) but yes, how does barbie breath lol! What I am pondering is what fabric to use to make a penis ahem! it will be the dickhead from the disastrous dinner.
glad you like the doll, she hangs around my studio quite a bit.
Hey, you probably know about this website already. However, I just found it and thought of you. Check it out:
Oh yea! love knitta please, thanks for sharing the link.