F is for Face

"austina powers"
I call this my austina powers look and it wasn't intentional. I seriously thought these glasses looked cool and thought I would take a pic (this is from a few years back). AND why didn't anybody tell me I had parsley between my teeth.
alphabet soup F

Sketchbook Project Page

"dead fred"
Actually I didn't know him well, but I knew his skull well.
I called him "dead fred" and he was a real skeleton we used in life drawing class. It was one of those traditional classes where we spent months drawing the skeleton, then muscles, and THEN we got down to drawing from live models.

Hum, did you know too much sugar can cause wrinkles


This month I made a little piece for the art box located on Corry Street in Yellow Springs. I didn't notice this when taking the photograph but there is this wonderful reflection of tree branches at the top that looks like it is coming out of the box. I think I am liking the photo of the box better than the actual box LOL!


Anonymous saidā€¦
i came to see who left a message on our blog, and found this! i like your top banner! very pure and real.

it feels contemporary, somehow it reminds me of a contemplative frida kahlo portrait, it has a graffiti flavor end is interesting.

seems like you're not putting the 'good stuff', i.e.your fine art,upfor sale yet ... rather your exotic artistic but crafty expressions, am i right?

well, i am going to follow you. keep me informed... tada
jafabrit saidā€¦
Rose you got my number lol! The banner is from a painting called Shadow Songs and is a reference to the women past and present who influence my life. The girl is based on my daughter (but not quite), wearing frida kahlo earrings. Yes, I am much influenced by graffiti, frida kahlo.

I haven't really made a HUGE effort to sell online, and right now it is at the stage of when I can be bothered I will LOL! this year I decided to give the biz of art a rest and just doodle along, let it happen or not. LOL!
Problem with my more serious and time intensive work is that it is bigger and heavier (since most of it is done on wood or incorporated into assemblage/built pieces) and the shipping of it gets more complicated.
Leanne Pizio saidā€¦
Oh I love the box so much. The drawing is wonderful as well. Dead Fred is quite nice to have donated his skeleton for artists. I always admire people who do selfless things like that.
Sheree Rensel saidā€¦
I just love everything you do Jaf. I love the art box. I love the Free Art Friday. I love it all.
Oh and the sugar and wrinkle article. Well, I read that twenty years too late. LOL LOL LOL LOL
jafabrit saidā€¦
thanks painter girl, sheree. I am not quite sure how I feel about all the things I do. I enjoy the process, but I feel like I am in flux at the moment. I am trying not to fight it but actually work with it and see where it leads.
Undaunted saidā€¦
Now that sounds like an art class to me! What great practice that must have been! And it shows!

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