to shave or not

she never felt the need to
Despite having hair on her legs it never seemed to be an issue.
She always dressed beautifully
the hair was the least thing you noticed
I loved my Nana
I even loved her hairy legs

This is another page in the sketchbook for the sketchbook project
The theme is "everyone we know"
The thread is stitched into the page and covered with an old stocking

Girls with Hairy Legs
"a website to showcase the beauty inherent in the female leg in its natural form"


Sheree Rensel saidā€¦
OMG! That is too funny! Just great! That is how my legs would look if I wore stockings! LOL
Undaunted saidā€¦
Funny thing is, I don't remember my mum or nan having hairy legs, but they never mentioned shaving them either. So I never thought about shaving my legs until my older brothers started going on at me about it - obviously the girls in their school shaved their legs and they thought I should as well, before I started the same school as them and embarrassed them! I was about 10 or 11 then I suppose, and my hair was blonde anyway.

But now if I don't remove the hair in one way or another I look like a man!! Hahaha!

I'm loving your sketchbook project Jafa with all it's big knickers and hairy legs!
Heather saidā€¦
Wonderful! I love it. We didn't shave nothing either in my family, and honey lemme tell you... they needed too, we are Greek for goodness sakes. At a family reunion you can't tell any of them apart!
Keep on keeping on it looks great.
Colette Amelia saidā€¦
That is not only funny but very thought provoking. When did hair become a no no? And when will it stop? First it was the legs, pits, we can't even have a furry bush? And that is getting to extreme as if a bikini wax wasn't it has to be a Brazillian?

And I have heard it just isn't for woment anymore!! Men are getting them too!

Will one day soon we be shaving our hair on the head?

That seems to be the last bastion of hair left.
ckw saidā€¦
This is so great - as I am now a gramma and have had the hairiest legs since 1970's-I won the contest of -Who can NOT shave their legs for the longest time in college- and that would be the last time I did! Being fair haired has it's perks- and I hope my grandkids remember my hairy legs!(among some other things)

Thanks so much for visiting me and wishing me a happy holiday- it means a lot- my Mom died this Fall and I have been struggling with all the responsibities and such - that I have been a notblogger for a bit-BUT now am back for the new year-2009- Hope it is great for all you and yours- here's to hairy leg creativity!
Lana Gramlich saidā€¦
Yeah, baby! I haven't shaved anything in years. Biological & proud!
Sorry for my recent, long absence. Been busy in offline life. Best to you & yours in 2009!
Anonymous saidā€¦
I Haven't ever shaved myself, I'm a french woman, and I'm 55 years old, the hairs of my pussy are 25 cm long
jafabrit saidā€¦
OMG ROFLOL err ojuno I have splattered my tea onto the monitor.

Well I didn't realize folks I was going to cause such an interesting response. But yes it is an issue and I find this obsessive social/cultural demand that we be hairless rather odd.
deb saidā€¦
I love your image, the good thing about winter in sub zero weather is no one sees my legs all winter, well truth be told no one sees them in summer either, I am leg phobic. I have a friend who embroiders with hair, people love her work until they find out what it is made of, then they are totally freaked out, I think we are a really hair phobic society, unless its long and blonde and still attached!!
Shupe saidā€¦
Unknown saidā€¦
Sharing a moment of TMI, I'll admit that I have NO hair on my legs! (Well, I guess I do, but it's either really fine or really invisible.)

Many years ago, when I was sixteen, I shaved my legs -- because my sisters always did theirs, and I felt left out of their female bonding.

Silly me! After that one pointless experiment, I realized how lucky I was that I don't have to.

No time, no razor burn, no stubble, no societal pressure to denude the gams -- ever!

Undaunted saidā€¦
I'm with Colette, the whole thing is getting silly.

When I was younger I used to think hairy men were gross, but now that I am married to a hairy man I wouldn't have him any other way! He's my teddy bear!

Thinking about it, I think it was just a matter of what I was used to seeing - the men in my family aren't very hairy at all. My brother barely has to shave his face and he's 38!
Leanne Pizio saidā€¦
What a great page in your book and what great comments! I have been giggling the whole time.
I don't shave and being a southern woman that really doesn't go over well. I have 3 sisters and one actually came at me with a razor during Christmas one year threatening to shave my armpits....She's smaller than me so I won! But it is one of those stories that we laugh at every year.
Awesome post Jafabrit.
Philip saidā€¦
Hmmm! I think this post should have carried a health warning for those of us who are, well, rather deficient in this area!
Robert Crane saidā€¦
you're not foolin' me. i remember that from 10th grade biology. why that's a closeup of streptococcus bacteria.

eww and i touched it.
Cat-in-a-Box saidā€¦
I told my hubby if he ever waxed anything on his person I'd leave (not that he would - I specified that I wouldn't leave him for taking hedge-trimmers to the 'crazy eyebrow hair', that 3cm single monster growing out of each of his eyebrows).

My mother had enough native blood in her that she had barely a hair on her body (but lovely, soft hair on her head) so it was some time before I realized I come from a more hirsute part of the family gene pool. I do shave some, but I'm much more relaxed about it than in my 20's.
Judith HeartSong saidā€¦
I am so glad you got the chance to do this.... with the move to the new studio it totally bollucksed up my timing.

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