Knit Knot Box
Actually it is a story box that Nancy and I made for the Storybox Project being sponsored by the Yellow Springs Tale Spinners. We had so much fun putting this together. We decoupaged the yellow springs guide on the inside and I stitched a knitted pocket (a left over from the knit knot tree) inside to hold a cd.
How we made the box is by sewing a black felt casing that was then glued to a heavy cardboard box after we had sewn on patches of knitting and felt. We then made the lid in the same way and used heavy felt for the hinges that we stitched through the cardboard for extra support. Hopefully it will survive the national and international journey.
Thanks for dropping by the new blog/website too! I really like wordpress, even though there is a learning curve. Hope to get all my blog links up soon.
Your Jafa friend Jan came by our gallery yesterday. The featured artist at our gallery this month is going to be her featured artist next month. I'm still blown away by what a small world it is! :)
I am just kidding Jaf. I LOVE LOVE LOVE all the stuff you are showing on your blog. It keeps me perky! LOL LOL
Will this sketchbook project ever end? LOL
It sure is a small world Paula lol! you know I don't recall seeing a gallery page at the top of your blog. Are you going to have a separate site for that.
It was fun Top Bird, although we had to rush it a bit, so we did it in one week (can you believe that lol). Luckily we had plenty of knitted patches and half done pieces.
Oh Nancy did the peace sign inside the box with felt, her idea and it turned out fabulous.
Wasn't Drenko's story of the 49 days and her father amazing?
Jan, I am pleased that I finally opened one and I will slowly build on it.We'll see where it leads :)