
Sticker Art by Jafabrit
Do you ever come across people who just don't seem to understand why their lives are fraught with problems, nastiness, etc. People who just don't get the concept of "what goes around, comes around", that "what you put out is what you get back", that "for every action there is a reaction"? It isn't always instant but it comes back to bite a person one way or another.
I watched Danny DeVito in the movie Tin Men and his character was like that. It seemed so obvious yet he seemed unable to make a connection between his actions and the consequences it had on his life.
Yes, I was closely related to someone very much like the character you mention. But, for obvious reasons, we weren't actually close.
P.S. In case you're curious, your current word verification is "unlip". For some reason, that strikes me as funny.
Go figure!
I talk about this same thing with my students all the time. Most of them are sweet albeit unfortunate kids. However, there are a few that are just plain nasty. I tell them about Karma, what goes around comes around, etc. Either they don't understand this or they just don't care. Hopefully, some day they will comprehend what I am telling them. Love the sticker!! Very true! :-)
Great sticker art!
W.J, I know someone like that and it is the same situation. Unlip, yes that is funny. The vefification I can think of for this someone is zipit.
Colette, what can I say, I haven't a clue what I was in previous life? But whatever it was I seem to have made up for it in this one with the abuse.
sheree, glad you like the sticker. I hope the kids get it.
LadyK I loved the bird video too.
Cat in a Box, I used to work as a crisis counselor and dealt with people like that a lot. In real life it is a different ball game and I am glad to say I don't come across much of it , but when I do my reaction is bye bye :)
deb, a well loved house cat, now that's the ticket, but I would still have to paint. Maybe become a famous for paw print painting ;)
Undaunted, tis true, karma never happens when you want it, but you know I take comfort in knowing that eventually those that are nasty get it one way or another. Just not how WE want.
andrea, sure, I am glad it made you smile.