The Govenors Award

I don't know who nominated me for the 2009 Governor's Awards for the Arts in Ohio, but I want to say a BIG thank you. Even though I wasn't selected I am honored that I was nominated.


A tree in Yellow Springs Ohio
photo by c.bayrak
Do you ever just look up and feel like a kid again
lost in imagination and joy of the moment.
I just stood and stared up at the grand old tree.
No thoughts of knitting crossed my mind.


oh you would be so deserving of that award!!!!
Leanne Pizio said…
Congratulations on your nomination!
The tree picture and poem are beautiful. A wonderful poem to start a day to.
Thanks for sharing that with us.

My birdy ornaments arrived yesterday and they were the cutest ornaments with such spunk and funk! I love the secret sparkles under the wings, and the eye just makes them a little unnerving which I LOVE!
Thank you so much!
Undaunted said…
Congratulations on being nominated even though you weren't selected. :)

That's a lovely poem about trees. It's funny how people feel connected to different things, I feel that way about the sea. Maybe I'll post my poem about that.
Margot Potter said…
Oh Corrine!

What an achievement! You're so deserving of an award.

Thank you also for the lovely poem and image.

Congratulations on the nomination! That's HUGE!!

I love the tree poem... am a tree person.

AND!! My dickie bird ornament arrived today!! It is even more amazing than the pictures show... I am so happy and so is my Christmas tree! Thank you!!
jafabrit said…
thanks everyone :) I would be a liar if I didn't say I felt a wee twinge of disappointment. It would have been a nice way to end the year, but just being nominated was very special.
I am so glad you like the birdies painter girl, michelle :)

I love this poem, it really captures how I feel about trees.
Da Old Man said…
Congratulations on your nomination.

The connection to trees runs deeply with me also. Famous poet Joyce Kilmer "Trees" was born on the street where I grew up.
jafabrit said…
oh wow old man, that is pretty cool. I love Kilmer's Poem.
Sheree Rensel said…
ABSOLOOTLY!!!!! Yes. Congratulations Jaf! You have to be proud of everything that happens. It is a huge accomplishment to be nominated. I know. I have been a nominee for this and that quite a few times.
Right now, I can't seem to get arrested. Therefore, I appreciate every honor even more. You should too!

Anonymous said…
Looks like this tree has been doing some knitting for itself!
Lana Gramlich said…
Congrats on the nomination. :)
Unknown said…
JB, I've tried, for two days, to leave a comment here. I can't believe your blog is working against me -- and, now, during the holiday season! The nerve!

Anyway, congratulation on the nomination -- you deserve it -- and, I don't believe you about the knitting. At all.
Susie Q said…
It truly IS an honor to be are SO deserving of it all.

How I wish I had made it back to YS sooner and long to run over now. I have not been well of late and busy besides...not agreat combo is it? Still, maybe we can steal away soon...I would love to get that way and have some fun.

Congratulations! beautiful words and the image of the tree...Merry Christmas!

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