Taipei Baby: knit graf in Taipei
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"Taipei Baby"
A jafagirl camo barbie made its way to Taipei 101 district.
thanks to guest jafas Adrian & Belinda
woo hoo
I did my moans in the last few posts.
So here is some good news.
The owner of the shop said she will remove the cards that depict jafagirls artwork
since we did not give permission to the photographer to use our images for profit.
So here is some good news.
The owner of the shop said she will remove the cards that depict jafagirls artwork
since we did not give permission to the photographer to use our images for profit.
That is awesome...and the image is amazing with the wall of sparkly yellow lights behind the totem.
Glad that you got the issue with the picture cards resolved.
Rock on into the New Year!
Good on the shop owner! x
I'd love to play too, but I can't imagine something that lovely lasting two minutes in this town!
Glad you got the card issue sorted out too.
Oh well!