And the Plunger Award goes to

"Joe the Plunger"
Joe the Plumber
Samuel J. Wurzelbacher

whose fibbing has resulted in 15 minutes of fame
might prove to be a problem for McCain


Unknown saidā€¦
You painted the PLUNGER! That's absolutely genius! [And fitting.]
jafabrit saidā€¦
Not the whole thing wolf, the face is decoupaged photo based on a painting I did, and then the rest is painted.

Glad you like it! fitting LOL!
Love it!!! :)
that is an amazing plunger. !!!

I tagged you xox jean
please you here!
Karin Bartimole saidā€¦
You are too clever - and hysterical! I love it!
William Evertson saidā€¦
love the plunger and the link. I thought that joe must have problems. Nothing like artists to get to the bottom of it. Thanks!
Paula Manning-Lewis saidā€¦
just fabulous! And the joe the plumber thing is just classic!

I'm going to have to spend a day catching up with your blog! I've been so busy, I haven't had time to comment on any of my favorite blogs lately.

Hope all is going well for you!
Colette Amelia saidā€¦
well up here in the frozen north we are "ordinary Canadians" what the hell is ordinary? And who is extra ordinary? Politicians?

new blog
Anonymous saidā€¦
I love that face. Maybe McCain's face should go on the underside of the rubber cup?
Leanne Pizio saidā€¦
All I can say is:
"Rock on with your bad self!"
Sheree Rensel saidā€¦
That plunger is so spectacular. It comes under that heading of "I wish I would have thought of that!!" However, I am so glad you did!
Just terrific!!
jafabrit saidā€¦
good question colette, I wonder the same thing.

Glad you liked the plunger jean hee hee! Darn,tagged huh, will go over and check it out.

thanks bill, karin, ha ha about the underside of the plunger marcia.

thanks sheree and painter gal, I will work on remaining somewhat bad under the guise of a middle aged woman with knitting needles ;)
jafabrit saidā€¦
hiay olga, thanks for stopping by.
David Howard saidā€¦
Steppen Wolf saidā€¦
You are an original one...
Anonymous saidā€¦
And, now that Colin Powell's wieghed-in, maybe you could paint him using the plunger with McCain's face on the bottom...
You're a hoot, Jaf!
Balhatain saidā€¦
I'm not sure he fibbed as much as not being clear. A lot of people who work in that industry work under someone who has the papers for it, so to speak. For example, I have a friend back home who has been a plumber for 8 years, but he can't work by himself. He has to work under his boss who has all the legal stuff in order. In my opinion, both candidates don't much about working people or they would have found that out before praising or attacking Joe the Worker.
Balhatain saidā€¦
Also, instead of being concerned about Joe the Plumber I think artists should be wary of how Obama has utilized Shepard the Artist. How many copyrights has Shepard violated? The world may never know.
jafabrit saidā€¦
I listened to the interview balhatain, and Jo lied when he said he planned to buy his bosses business. I never stated he asked an unfair question though. It was a rhetorical one yes, since Joe not only doesn't have the money to buy a business, nor has a plumbing licence that he would need to own such a business, and he in fact hasn't paid his taxes on his current income of 40,000.

Had McCain not USED him as some kind of symbol, I doubt we would be discussing him. Since McCain thought to use him as symbol of the hard working american, I think it perfectly valid to address what that entails.
jafabrit saidā€¦
My question to you Balhatain is has Obama publicly used Shepard the Artist as an example of the average american who would suffer under McCain's economic plan? IF so, then would you have a problem with people examining if Shepard is indeed an average american who works hard, pays his taxes, and struggles to pay their bills OR is someone who has misrepresented themselves and doesn't pay their taxes. I think it is fair game, don't you?
jafabrit saidā€¦
This comment has been removed by the author.
jafabrit saidā€¦
Balhatain, here is a link to the actual video in which Joe states "I am getting ready to buy a company" (there is no evidence to support this statement coming from someone who owes taxes and has a lien on his property by creditors)

Didn't he also state he was an independent, but he registered as a republican.

Had he just asked the rhetorical question, which nobody has argued isn't a fair question, there would not have been an issue.

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