Political Art: Hobgoblins
This is a piece I made a few years ago, but still very relevant today.
It is made with a wood box I built, porcelain teeth, light fixture inside, and ceramic figure huddled on a shelf inside. The figure is sitting above the light to the left slightly so it is half lit and casts shadows in the box.. This adds to the ominous nature of the piece.There is also a statement written above the mouth if people take the time to look inside:
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary".
H. L. Mencken
What is really sad is that the fear mongering works!
guess I haven't been paying attention: you've got your sidebar on the right now, right?
You're so right about fear mongering. I'm trying to keep a level head, but all the bad news and political noise makes me want to scream and stick my head in the sand.
Thanks for the link to Potters for Peace - I'd heard of them, but never followed up. Now bookmarked.
Kudos on this wonderful piece of art!
Cyn, glad you liked the link. well we are surely getting a belly full of fear mongering this week eh!
thanks sarah, so glad you liked the piece.
I will check out "Zeitgeist," Lana, thanks. fair and balanced, lol! you got that one pegged.
glad you liked the teeth lone beader. I think I need to be getting some more from my dentist :)
Oh my gawd loretta that link is just brill and so inspiring. thanks.