I havn't had a a glass of ribena in yeeeeeears. Ever since i heard about a young girl who lost all her teeth, through drinking it. She ended up at 8 years of age with false teeth. Put me off lol.
Loooooving the dog howling video. Is it your dog, as it's such a cutie.
I love my Ribena and I've had it mixed with lots of things but never had it hot. Wow, have to give it a try...it's winter now and I still drink mine with ice cubes.
That video is adorable! What a cute little Yorkie! Reminds me of my little Yoda.
btw, thanks for all your wonderful comments on my blog, so sorry I haven't commented on yours for so long. It helps to know that people are out there thinking of me.
Loooooving the dog howling video. Is it your dog, as it's such a cutie.
Peace & Love.
Love the glass photo Jafabrit. Light through glass is so pretty. Your poor dog! How did you make that dreadful noise?!
doing fine merelyme, and enjoying a rather tame summer this year :)
Absolutely sure loretta, why?
undaunted, once a month the village tests the air raid siren which sets of the whole village of pooches howling.
jan, connie, thanks, rufus is a sweetie but when he howls it makes me laugh. He howls at police cars, and sometimes the telephone ringing too.
The shadow is like lace...
Pleased to meet you.
I shall visit often.
Big hugs always,
Mudd a.k.a. Oza
My mother's friend used to send her kid to bed with apple juice in his bottle and his teeth rotted out too.
btw, thanks for all your wonderful comments on my blog, so sorry I haven't commented on yours for so long. It helps to know that people are out there thinking of me.