Crushed Can Art

"Feeling a bit crushed"

Art News Blog had a great post about crushed can art/painting and a group in Spain at Painting Cans calling for admissions. I thought I would play in the studio instead of watching the paint dry (still working on the skulls). What I can't figure out is how the heck others get the tab right smack in the middle like on Painting Cans. Anyway the idea fits right in with free art fridays and a desire to recycle things for art, so this one is slated for the 3rd Friday Fling in the Springs.

I really do have to get a trophy room so I can share not only the trophy's but all the wonderful people who have given them to me. Here is another one from a fellow blogger, Linda Blondheim) whose work and approach to her work I admire. Linda is the one that helped me change my attitude on marketing (to view not as a chore but as part of what I love to do already, which is communicating with the public).


Undaunted saidā€¦
The others were great, but I love how you have used the base of the can as the mouth. And the title is very fitting too!

Congratulations on yet another award! Do you keep count?
Janets Planet saidā€¦
Love the can. Yes, perfect for free Fridays.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Hello there,
This is to let you know that your page is taking a heck of a long time to load. When it finally did I got a IE warning that the page contained bot secure and insecre items. My guess is you have added some tracking widegt that's mucking up the works but I could be wrong. Best wishes for happy blogging.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Hi again,
This time the page loaded fine - weird. I'm using firefox3 BTW. Setting that aside have one heck of a great weekend. :)
Lana Gramlich saidā€¦
I love the can art--that's great!
Great idea! Your creativeness never ceases to amaze me!!! :)
jafabrit saidā€¦
Thanks undaunted, I had fun doing this can and the others. I haven't actually kept a count of my awards, but I think I have a few.

Thanks Jan, lana and olga. I can't seem to stop, always seem to be doodling around with something. If it isn't painting on a can, then it is on a doll, a bottle, a bone, or a stone lol!
nolaa gallery saidā€¦
oh your crushed can is amazing!!!
I was thinking of collaging them??
yeah, this will be fun!!
jen, ps, I will be at the gallery Monday this week if ya wanna stop by!
Undaunted saidā€¦
Others? There were others?
jafabrit saidā€¦
Since I did this can undaunted I have painted three more :)
William Evertson saidā€¦
Crushed cans- thanks for the update!! "jafabrit central "seems the the place to go for up to date info on what artists might be creating. Cans? Perhaps I can do cans! thanks
Anonymous saidā€¦
Cool can Corrine. Your rock portraits work well and I thought the cans would work well too.. and they do ;-)
impressive site....some of your work is very inspiring.....
Shirley Jones saidā€¦
Check out the Crushed Can art by this artist:
jafabrit saidā€¦
thanks for dropping by Shirley :) I have seen his work before, such fun whimsical work.

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