Girl in a Chair

Every now and again I can get a photograph that I'm really happy with and this is one of those instances when the lighting, pose, choice of clothes, the shape of the chair all came together. A friend asked me to take some photos of her granddaughter and make them sepia toned. I also used Adobe (tutorial link at TutorialWiz) and created the cutout image above. I just LOVE the cutout version and I'm thinking it would make a lovely little painting (on the back burner of course, have the doll show to work on).


Anonymous saidā€¦
It's a wonderful and timeless photograph and I agree, it would make a terrific painting!
Genxster saidā€¦
Oh yes, a lovely child and a wonderful photograph. I agree with Cynthia, I would love to see this as a painting too.
The Lone BeaderĀ® saidā€¦
Cool results! :D
Undaunted saidā€¦
I agree, both photographs are beautiful in different ways. The little girl is so pretty.

I imagine the cutout image would be easier to paint than the original photo? This is fantastic timing - Exactly what I need! Thank you for posting the link to the tutorial - I am about to start a painting which I have been a little worried about, because part of it is from a photograph. This will make my task much easier (I think).
Heather saidā€¦
Love it!!!!
harry bell saidā€¦
Yes, a good photo and the result after Photoshopping looks great for painting. Thanks for letting me see what this Cutout Filter can do. It's not one I've played with previously, but I see great potential in it.
ysartist saidā€¦
I like photoshopping sometimes because it helps me see the patterns, abstracts the image somewhat. In this one the patterns and blocks of colours are lovely.

I thought of you undaunted when I found the tutorial. I couldn't figure out how to describe what I did. I learned just by working it out and still haven't got it down clearly.

thanks cyn, genxster, lone beader, hmbt and margaret. The granddaughter was over the moon with the photo's, especially the manipulated one's.
Susie Q saidā€¦
Timeless and beautiful. She has an amazing face and spirit and it shines forth in this photo. It would make a glorious painting.

Undaunted saidā€¦
Ah, I'm already gaining a reputation for loving tutorials! I tried the tutorial but it didn't quite produce the effect I wanted on the photo. It was still extremely helpful though because now I know where to find all those magic buttons in Photoshop! Thank you Jafabrit.
William Evertson saidā€¦
Isn't it hard to hear people say you photoshopped an image. You have a great image here. Mastery of photoshop requires the same learning curve of any of da Vinci's students. Mastery of complex computer programs are within the capability of our best artists. Keep it up.
Still Waters Studio saidā€¦
I love the little girl picture and that chair that I've seen before. I agree that they will make a beautiful painting. Photoshopping does help me in loosening up when painting something. I can't always translate what I see into something more painterly without manipulating it in Photoshop.
Spoon of life saidā€¦

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