In the News :"Knitters Dress Up Trees for Public Art"

photo by c.bayrak

I don't even know what to say LOL! James THANKYOU ! it seems the story about the "KnitKnot" tree is being picked up by just about every outlet there is around the world.
Here is James Hannah's article in the Associated Press.

BBC Radio is interviewing Nancy and I , so keep your fingers crossed.
And if you are reading this and wondering why?
Well it's simple really.
Because we can, because it's fun,
because it makes people smile,
because it brightens up a dreary winter's day,
because children go ooooooh!aaaaaaaah!
Life is too short to be getting yer knickers in a knot
 Knit Knot Tree Yarnbombing Wikipedia


Miss Shirl saidā€¦
That was a great story.
Undaunted saidā€¦
"Life is too short to be getting yer knickers in a knot"

Or even a knitknot? :o)
Shez saidā€¦
You Guys are Famous......good story.
Fantastic Idea, Way to Go Jaffa's and Knitters of the World.
jafabrit saidā€¦
lol undaunted, knitknot. Honestly I have to laugh at some of the comments I have heard. I mean really, they are taking this way too seriously. It is a fun story and it makes people laugh , now that isn't a bad thing eh!

thanks for dropping in shez, ssb :)
Anonymous saidā€¦
First, thanks for visiting my blog and for your comment there. I appreciate it.

I read your post about the knitters dressing up the tree and saw the AP story about it. I think this group will have started something. Wait and see it mushroom.

I like your post yesterday too. Thanks again.
jafabrit saidā€¦
lincoln, I LOVE your birds and your photography is STUNNING. thanks for dropping in.
Janets Planet saidā€¦
LOL about it not going all the way to the ground. Pesky pooches. :-)
Anonymous saidā€¦
It is my pleasure, hope you have success. Maybe you can plug me if you get on the BBC, LOL. :)
andrea saidā€¦
It seems to me you've personally gone a long way to making "this southwest Ohio village, already known for its offbeat art" so, well, full of offbeat art! I love that you're getting wider acknowledgement. Would be great if BBC made a podcast available of the upcoming interview.
jafabrit saidā€¦
oh my heavens, I would hate a podcast because I am sure I am going to giggle terribly and make a right arse of myself.

Oh well. back to doing the dishes.
William Evertson saidā€¦
Not bad for a self described cheeky girl! Keep running with this. Who knows, the 15 minutes may multiply. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. Best
jafabrit saidā€¦
well Bill I have got it up to 30 minutes LOL!
dinahmow saidā€¦
Ee, I'd love to hear a podcast with giggling spuggy!(Bit difficult, though, cos my sound card 's kaput!)
I love your wacky off beat art so much I'm trying to get some of my friends to make some "found art" to leave around town.
When we do get it going you'll get full acknowledgement.
William Evertson saidā€¦
Showed my wife your latest and she suggested that she send the dish towels she's weaving to you to wrap some dishes. After all these years she's just as crazy as the day I married her. lol
Kathryn saidā€¦
Just heard you on the BBC. Great stuff!
jafabrit saidā€¦
hiay Dash, I was sooooooooooooooooo nervous so I have no idea if I made any sense LOL! thanks for dropping by.
Kathryn saidā€¦
Well, I think you made perfect sense but you should be able to check for yourself in a few hours. The BBC usually post the show up online. Go to BBC Radio FiveLive and look for the programme called 'Up All Night'. With the time difference, you were on just before 1.30am on Tuesday over here in the UK.
Susie Q saidā€¦
This is wonderful!! Enjoy this wonderful ride!
Remember is when you are ever so famous!

Fuzz saidā€¦
Like the idea of a sweater for a tree - nice and bright!
What's an 'arty' Geordie lass doing so far away from the beloved North East?
jafabrit saidā€¦
Hiay Fuzz, well, it is all due to my darling husband lol! thanks goodness I can get me kipper, marmite and a good brew otherwise I would be in baaaaaaaaaaad shape. Thanks for dropping in.
MadSilence saidā€¦
This is so cool! I did a double take when I saw the picture. What fun. Congrats. MadSilence

Knitters Dress Up Trees for Public Art:
jafabrit saidā€¦
thanks madsilence, my family have been having a blast with this :) The lengths I go to to bring a smile to their faces eh!!!!!!!
andrea saidā€¦
New article in the Independent! I'm sure you know about it but here it is anyway:
Still Waters Studio saidā€¦
I was just showing my husband the picture of the tree and he said, "Oh, I just read about that today in the paper." I will send you a copy if you want to email me with your addy.
jafabrit saidā€¦
thanks stillwaters, I have a couple friends sending me some actual papers lol!

andrea, what is funny about the independent article is they are talking about funny Americans and I ain't american hee! hee! well technically, but a cheeky Geordie lass at heart.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Oooo you mentioned light graffiti, I LOVE the light graffiti that is being done. We have to figure out out to get our hands on a laser! ;) Me + a friend of mine in Manchester, UK were just discussing a project to project images of bodies on buildings to use the architectural elements as jewelry! She would have to apply for some ACE funding for us though. :)

It IS really wonderful to see other mediums extending into street art. RECLAIM THE STREETS!
jafabrit saidā€¦
That sounds really cool skowood, if you ever get it going I hope we get to see it.
sarahelizabeth saidā€¦
this is wonderful! as a knitter i really appreciate this..i will start making sweaters for my trees now...
Janets Planet saidā€¦
I see the tree on Art News Blog. Cool!
jafabrit saidā€¦
I was pretty chuffed about that Jan.

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