WIP: Portrait in Oil

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David at the Bird Proofer wondered if I used a photo as a guide. The answer is yes, there is something about the stiffness of the image that comes from using a photo reference which greatly appeals to me. It wasn't until I really sat down and thought about it that I realized I was melding several genres that I love, early folk art/portraiture, black and white photography and studio drawing studies. The early american
painting is by Ammi Phillips, a folk artist from the 1800's, the photograph by Dorothea Lange and the sketch study by Pierre Paul Prud'hon.
painting is by Ammi Phillips, a folk artist from the 1800's, the photograph by Dorothea Lange and the sketch study by Pierre Paul Prud'hon.

I am going to print it out and put it in my sketchbook.
thank you
I was sent this interesting link by a local filmmaker, Jo Caputo, in Yellow Springs.
Would you wear one of this suits?
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Because I paint in reverse on vinyl, I have been using a full length mirror in my studio for years, as a tool to help me see what needs adjusting before it dries. It does help me see things I might have missed.
i'm thinking-um- i thinkin'-um
i love dorothea lange -too- i did a pencil rendering of that exact photo when in college-
lovely progression-such haunting faces are beautiful
I like to see a couple together, too.
I love Dorothea Lange too.
I MUST see my jewelry photographed before it becomes real. it is senseless bits and pieces to me otherwise.
I sometimes draw "upside down" (the paper, not me!)to get the right angle.
Thank you for being so brave. You make amazing things, Corinne.
I'd be naked without a care...but I'd feel more naked in one of those suits. I've been mostly naked onstage and it's far more embarrassing than being naked. Weird...but true.
I would like to wear a male nude suit - That would be fun. No, I don't want to be a man...
the Dorothy Lange reminds me of an early Picasso figure (Blue Period)..
mirrors and upside down are great for extra analysis as well as viewing your work on the computer...
I don't think I have the nerve to wear one of those suits...pretty amazing though :)
thanks for the link too.... :)
that stays with me. It speaks volumes. I can see why it would call to you.
As always, your work speaks to me.
Happy New Year dear artist. Happy New year.
PS How did you get the visitor counter on your blog?
Hey if anybody is wondering how someone paints in reverse check out kris cahill's video.
ckw, jean, I think I would wear the hairy chest t shirt lol! I didn't see a price, will have to check it out.
dinah, I remember doing a drawing upside down for a class and it was an amazing exercise in learning to draw what you see, not what you think you see.
NUDEY SUITS are low down and nasty!
The male ones freaked me out they are sooooooooooo fugly!
They are clever but I would rather not go there.....thanks!
Spuggy Duck! xxxxxxx